Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Market Search in Turkey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Market Search in Turkey - Essay Example   From the research undertaken, Sabra Hummus sells at different prices depending on the quantity and the ingredients. For instance, a seven-ounce Sabra roasted red paper hummus sells at 36. 75 dollars and contains 12 sachets. A seventeen-ounce Sabra Classic hummus sells at 4.49 dollars. A ten-ounce Sabra hummus with Roasted Pine nuts sells at 4.99 dollars (Sabra Hummus). From the market analysis, the client base is focused on receiving value for the amounts spent on any product. To capture, the needs of the student population that has minimal disposable income, Sabra should focus on repackaging its products into smaller quantities. This would enable it to have products that sell at highest $ 4.5, which is an amount of money that most students can expand on a snack. The quantity will play a vital role, especially when targeting the student population. Sabra should undertake all cost-cutting measures, especially when manufacturing the low quantity products. For instance, where possib le, the plastic contains may be replaced by well-branded polythene wrappings which would reduce the cost significantly. Sabra can subsequently pass on the cost reductions to the consumer by lowering prices. Since the organization is largely targeting the student population and the middle class, who constitute a large proportion of the consumers, it cannot charge excessive prices. For instance, it will charge lower prices in universities due to the low level of disposable incomes among the student population.  

Monday, October 28, 2019

African-Americans on a fighti for equality and freedom Essay Example for Free

African-Americans on a fighti for equality and freedom Essay African-Americans were taken from Africa as slaves, and have been fighting for equality and freedom ever since that day. The slaves were mistreated as nothing, they had no self-esteem, beaten, disparage, and were separated from their family. African-Americans still fight every day for different types of recognitions and fairness, even though many things changed over the centuries. The African-Americans played major roles during the Civil Rights Movement. African-Americans have struggle hard to end separation, prejudice, and seclude to be treat in a fair way and civil rights. Racial Separation, also known as Racial Segregation was a system taken from the results of white Americans to keep African Americans subservient status by controvert then equal admittance to public facilities and ensuring that black people lived separate from white people. Slaves lived far away from the wealth people houses on the plantation, only those who are special people lived in those houses. Northern whites had precluded blacks from seats on public transportation and blocked their entry exclude servants, from most hotels and restaurants, by the time the Supreme Court ruled in Dred Scott versus. Sandford in 1857. According to the article in 1896, \The most common instance of this is connected with the establishment of separate schools for white and colored children, which has been held to be a valid exercise of the legislative power even by courts of States where the political rights of the colored race have been longest and most earnestly enforce.\(Plessy v. Ferguson 1). In another word, segregation it is not only in schools, but it is in churches, auditorium, and theaters. For example, Rosa Parks was famous for her courage to stand for her rights, and to set wherever she wanted on the bus; however, she was not the first or only one to make this chose. In addition, when Rosa Parks was approached by the bus driver to sit somewhere else, there were other African-American people sitting to her. Therefore, Rosa Parks was noticed by Dr. Martin Luther King for spoke up first history gives her credit. People were brave enough to fight for their equal rights. The bus Boycott that introduced the civil rights movement that convert apartheid of America\s southern states from a local individuality to international scandal, which started when Parks arrested stunned a chain reaction. Rosa Parks individual courage that led to the collective displayed of insubordination that transformed a previously unknown 26-year-old clergyman, Martin Luther King, into a household name. The name of Dr. MLK was recorded in history as the most well-known extremist through the years. MLK was also known as a non-violent extremist, and for modifying the philosophy from Gandhi, which was reverence not only by black race but also by all other races. What became African-American\s live by for centuries to come was the speech of MLK, \ I Have a Dream.\ Furthermore, there was the \We Shall Overcome\ speech by King in 1963. The Civil Rights Movement was defining moment at the capital by MLK. Until the day MLK was killed, he fought for the Civil Rights Movement. MLK petition to all not to discriminate. African-American men and women

Saturday, October 26, 2019

How Psychoanalysis Changed Society with Consumerism and Public Relation

Works Cited Psychoanalysis Psychoanalysis and Edward Bernays theories that were derived by Sigmund Freud, changed society Through psychoanalysis and Edward Bernays public Relations, our modern society is a product of both theories. Back in the beginning of the 20th century there was no such thing as an American consumer. Before psychoanalysis and Edward Bernays applying Freud’s theories with propaganda all that exist was the American owner and the American worker. A creditable source states that â€Å"The rise of consumerism in the United States is also linked to the birth of Public Relations. At the time of 1915 the so-called father of modern Public Relations.† (Craig Willis) Sigmund Freud had devised a method he called â€Å"psychoanalysis†, by analyzing dreams with free association he discovered powerful sexual and aggressive forces which were the remnants of our animal past, feeling we repressed because they were too dangerous. (Sigmund Freud) In 1914 the Austrian Hungarian war Empire lead Europe into the war (, as the horror mounted Freud saw it as terrible overwhelming evidences of the truth of his findings. This is exactly the way Freud should have expected people to behave from his studies in psychoanalysis. Freud under estimated the unconscious mind state of our powerful sexual and aggressive forces. â€Å"But as time went on Jung and Freud differed in ideals and in 1914 they terminated their correspondence. In that same year World War 2 broke out and brought the movement of psychoanalysis to a halt. The years after the war were seminal ones for psychoanalysis.† ( Governments had unleashed the primitive forces in human beings and no one seems to know how to stop them. At th... ... frenzy mob which had the power to destroy even Government. After reviewing everything on the unconscious mind and the modern society today with consumerism in a way it states that one of the guidelines principles of democracy was wrong, the belief of human’s beings can be trusted to make decisions on a rational basis. The leading political writer Walter Lippmann said the herd of citizens must be governed by â€Å"a specialized class whose interests reach beyond the locality."(The Phantom Public - 1925) In conclusion what was beginning to emerge in the early 20th century was a new idea of how to run mass democracy. At its heart was the consuming self which not only made the economy work but was happy and throughout stabled and so created a stable society, so through psychoanalysis and public relations of Edward Bernays our modern society is a product of both theories.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Implication for the Retail Industry Essay example -- essays research p

Thomas, Ryan, â€Å"The Right Mix: Brands versus Private Labels,† Apparel, Feb’04, p. 30-33 Overview of Article   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Department stores that may want to develop or expand private labels to replace lagging national brands should be aware of the downfalls as well as the benefits.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Private labels increase margins from 6-10% higher than national brands. They also allow for fashion garments to be reproduced the following season if they are still in demand. However, department stores risk opposition from national brands if such private labels create too much competition.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If private labels are to be expanded, they should be of higher quality than the norm. They should also be offered in a wide range of categories, to decrease advertising costs. Article Summary   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Department stores have traditionally used private labels on the selling floor as a way to provide a low-cost alternative to consumers. However, they may be expanding and developing more private labels to replace those national brands that have been falling behind.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Private labels are helpful to department stores because they increase margins. On average, private label margins are 6-10% higher than national brands.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another benefit of private labels is one not offered by brand manufacturers. If a fashionable garment sells out fast in any particular season, ...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Fat or Fit? Essay

Fat or fit? Which is normally preferred? Working out and living a healthy lifestyle not only benefits one’s body, it also helps motivate the people around them. It also benefits their way of thinking. Stress relief and concentration, self-confidence, strength and endurance, and longevity are just a few benefits which can be expected as a result of working out. People can stress over the simplest thing. Writing an essay is a great example. One can get writer’s block or overwork their mind. Working out helps take the mind of things which leads to clarity and concentration. Once a body gets into the habit of working out, the body adapts to the constant work, which gives energy and makes one feel less groggy by sweating out the toxins that effect the body. One of the better things about working out is the self-confidence. A better body is in fact guaranteed if you stick to a strict diet and exercise. Not only will one feel more confident about themselves, but they will have that charisma that will make them a better person than they were before. Who knows, one actually might work up the courage to ask out that special someone. There have been many people who have searched for the fountain of youth hoping for longevity, one including legendary Spanish explorer/conquistador Juan Ponce de Leon. It is not the fountain they should be looking for; instead, they should be looking how to live a healthier lifestyle. Jack Lalanne lived to be a healthy 97 year old man with the help of diet and exercise. If a body is treated good both physically and nutritionally, the body will return the favor. Staying fit also allows you to be there for friends and family when needed. The best thing of all when it comes to working out is the strength and endurance. Strength allows one to carry out physical tasks, where endurance gives the ability to last. Besides having a better body, one will be able to do things they were incapable of doing before. Helping someone carry a refrigerator or lifting a 150 pound log that fell on a random passerby are the kind of things you can do when you have the strength. With endurance  one can play football at the beach and look great doing it. They can also run that marathon they have been wanting to join. One will be able to act out, do numerous things, and live their life the way it was meant to be lived, to the fullest. Living a healthier lifestyle changes not only one’s life, but also influences the ones around them. When exercise and diet come together one can drastically change their life. Just like the words of the late Jack Lalanne, â€Å"Exercise is king and nutrition is queen: together, you have a kingdom.†

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Security Essays

Security Essays Security Essay Security Essay 1. The most effective way to improve airport security is to rely more on technology and less on people. When airport personnel are responsible for keeping the aircraft, terminals, and passengers safe, problems can occur. People are much more likely to make an error than a computer. Even though extensive background checks and fingerprinting required for all airport employees, they do not provide enough security measures to guarantee safety.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Technology can be used to screen passengers more effectively. Frisking can make many passengers uncomfortable, and there is new technology available that would eliminate the need for this. Airports can use X-ray machines to see a passenger’s body and reveal any hidden bombs or weapons. Apparently, though, the images are very detailed and some passengers think they are embarrassing, and possibly even worse than frisking. Should these machines be used? They are safer, but intrusive. Airports must consider if a picture with so much detail is actually required.2. Putting security measures in place will not prevent all attacks. There will always be something that goes wrong. The inevitability of new threats and circumstances must always be kept in mind by those who design security measures. Plus, attackers can use advances in technology to constantly come up with new methods for attacks. Even with the best security measures, not every circumstance can be predicted. For every advance made in preventing attacks, there will be a new advance made to intercept or avoid these security measures.

Monday, October 21, 2019

LinkedIns Company Follow Feature Adds Status Updates!

LinkedIns Company Follow Feature Adds Status Updates! Breaking News about LinkedIns Company Follow LinkedIn announced on October 10 that it was rolling out yet a new feature that will change the face of what it means to follow a company on LinkedIn.   For a year and a half prior to this development, it has been possible to follow companies on LinkedIn.   But the information available was rather limited, i.e.,   1) when employees join, leave or are promoted; 2) new job opportunities; and 3) company profile updates. If you are a job seeker interested in working at a company, or if you are a recruiter, the three pieces of information listed above can be quite useful.   You can keep track of useful tidbits like how many and what type of people a company is hiring, how many people get promoted, and how many employees leave the company.   As LinkedIn suggested in its April 2010 announcement about the Company Follow feature, Get on the inside track with â€Å"Company Follow,† if you are geography teacher you might be quite interested if you see web technology companies hiring people like you! What was missing from the Company Follow feature was the ability to get news and information from the company itself. That has now changed with the advent of†¦Ã‚   Company Status updates! Yes, it’s true. Companies on LinkedIn can now act just like people and post updates to their very own status bar.   With a 500-character limit, these updates can be substantial. And you can follow them with a simple click of the mouse! Whats in it for you? How might company updates help you as a job seeker?   Well, you have probably heard a lot about the â€Å"hidden job market.†Ã‚   Most high level positions are actually filled without being advertised. Note well:   Status updates allow you to find out any news that a company thinks is important to share.   If you read these updates carefully, you might find a good reason to contact the company, comment on these new developments, and make a positive impression on a decision-maker. You might be thinking, â€Å"Well, if company updates are available to everyone, won’t everyone be pestering these poor decision-makers with congratulatory notes and other correspondence?† My best guess is that most people will not take advantage of the opportunities presented by Company Follow. They might not be paying attention, or they might be too scared to write a letter to a decision-maker. By truly utilizing the information that is available, you will set yourself apart. You may already have ideas of companies you want to follow.   Start following them!   In addition, take a look at the Search for Companies homepage.   You will be given â€Å"Companies You May Want to Follow,† much the same as you can find â€Å"Groups you Might Like† under the Groups tab. Follow The Essay Experts Company Page on LinkedIn Here’s a great idea: How about starting by following The Essay Expert! I will be updating my status from time to time to let you know of developments that might interest you. And I will always be happy to hear from you in response to my updates. For any company owners reading this, you have a new task to add to your list:   updating your company status bar and starting to gather followers.   As of now, posting is a â€Å"by hand† type of job, though I hear HootSuite is working on integration. LinkedIn might not catch up to facebook when it comes to creating company buzz, but for job seekers LinkedIn is still the place to be†¦Ã‚   and to follow. Follow The Essay Expert!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Psychological Type and the MyersBriggs Type Indicator essays

Psychological Type and the MyersBriggs Type Indicator essays Running Head: MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE INDICATOR Psychological Type and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Northwestern State University of Louisiana Psychological Type and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator One of the most enduring typological classifications was devised by Jung and has served as the foundation for the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Anastasi, 1997). The Myers-Briggs (MBTI) designates one's personality type, based upon a classification scheme, which consists of four basic scales and two types within each scale. Thus, there are sixteen possible Myers-Briggs personality types. The scheme is based upon the intuitions of Carl Jung, whose gifted insight revealed that all people at all times are best understood in terms of extroversion/introversion, sensation/intuition, and objective/subjective. The latter category has since been subdivided into two classes by revisionists: feeling/thinking, and perceiving/judging. Classifying people did not originate with Jung. In the middle of the fifth century B.C.E., Hippocrates explained the four temperaments in terms of dominant humors in the body: melancholic, sanguine, phlegmatic, or choleric. The melancholic, he claimed, was dominated by yellow bile in the kidneys, the sanguine by humors in the blood, the phlegmatic by phlegm, and the choleric by the black bile of the liver. Hippocrates was simply adding to the ancient Greek insight that all things reduce to earth, air, water and fire. Each of the four elements had its dualities: hot/cold and dry/moist. A persons physical, psychological, and moral qualities could easily be understood by his temperament, his dominant humors, the four basic elements, or whether he was hot and wet or cold and dry. The ancient personality type indicator worked for over one thousand years. Today, most of us have abandoned Hippocrates' personality scheme because we do not find it to have any meaningful use. In the early 1940s, Isabel Briggs My...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

ECONOMIC institution and policy(British economy) Essay

ECONOMIC institution and policy(British economy) - Essay Example But the sector experienced a tragic downfall during the post-war period which continued till mid-1980s. However, the trends improved post 1983 and continued to develop till 1990 when it once again underwent a bust period (Buxton & Mananyi, 1998). Many researchers blame this erratic behavior of the supporting sector of UK to the economic policies adopted by the decision makers of the nation and thus, the present paper will attempt to outline the trends of the nation over the decades between 1970 and 2010. Contribution of UK’s Manufacturing Sector, 1970-2010 The contribution of UK’s manufacturing sector could be assessed from a few statistics aligned to the sector. The adjoining graph depicts the change in the gross value added by the manufacturing sector over the years between 1970 and 2009. The trends so depicted denote an overall heavy impact created by the manufacturing sector over the years. However, the difference is found to be rather stark from 1970 to 1980 and th en 1990. In other words, these three years depict huge differences in the gross value added figures. On the other hand, the figures corresponding to the years between 1990 and 2009 are found to be quite near to each other. The year 2000 is characterized by a peak but is followed by a slight dent at the end of 2009. Nonetheless, the figures are found to have improved by almost a multiple of 10 between 1970 and 2009. The following diagram shows the growth in industrial production of UK over the years, which is suggestive of a gradual improvisation in its position. Although the above diagram for gross value added shows a downfall from 2000 to 2009, the present one shows a positive growth occurring between 2000 and 2010. This clearly indicates that there had been a hike in industrial production between 2009 and 2010. The above graph depicts the contribution of manufacturing sector of UK in absolute terms. However, to draw a more robust comparison, the ideal method would be to form a rel ation with the GDP of the economy. Such an interpretation could help in making an assessment of the contribution of the sector to the economy. The bar-graph alongside shows the contribution of the manufacturing sector as receding over time. The decline is a consistent one over the years thus implying the gradually falling importance of the manufacturing and industrial segments of the nation. The declining importance of the manufacturing sector of UK is also prominent from its receding contribution to the employment share of the nation. The adjoining bar graph shows the trends in the share of employment rate accounted by the manufacturing sector of UK. The decline is found to be the greatest from 14980 to 1985 followed by that from 2000 to 2005. As per the latest records, the employment share of the sector to the gross economic value stands at 9.83% which is almost 20% below that in the year 1975. Given the historic importance of the manufacturing sector behind the economic developme nt and growth of UK, a decline in its popularity over the years took a toll upon the net disposable income of the economy. Net disposable income of the economy is found to be traversing through a negative phase after having reached a peak during 1980. This is an obvious indication of the increased costs of structural unemployment in the economy. Another prominent indication is that of a declining percentage change

Friday, October 18, 2019

Philosophy of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Philosophy of Education - Essay Example Philosophical reflection informs the manner of instructive practices as well as the point to which instruction should do so. In the republic, Plato termed education as a practice which stands exclusively necessitating direction from the most embracing as well as refined metaphysics (Blake, Smith & Standish 2006). All past and current human societies have had a vested concentration on education and most of the people have claimed that most educational activities or teaching are the second oldest occupation. Almost every society allocates adequate resources in support of educational institutions and activities as they are very important. Learning institutions are one of the agents of socialization in most societies because all children are born innumerate and illiterate. They are also normally ignorant of the cultural achievements and norms of their society or community of which they are part of. However, with the assistance of teachers, the rest of the society and educational resources, they learn to read, write, and act in ways that are culturally appropriate. Most of the people learn these skills with more education facilities than other people. Education equips people with substantive knowledge and skills that enable them to identify and pursue their own aspirations and take part in their community life as independent and full-fledged citizens. In his educational philosophy, Plato argued that a person is served best when he or she is subordinated to a just society. Plato promoted the notion that children should be removed from the care of their mothers and raised as state wards with a lot of care being taken to t ell apart children suitable to the different castes, the highest attaining most education, to ensure that they act as city guardians and care for the less fortunate (Rozema 1998). Plato further argued that education would be holistic including physical discipline, skills, facts, art and music which he took as the utmost form of undertaking. He believed that talents were not distributed genetically and thus they had to be found in any social class. There have been other philosophies of education after Plato. Freire (2002) attacked the ‘banking concept of education’. In this concept, students are viewed like an empty account that should be filled by the teachers. Freire suggested that a deep reciprocity should be inserted into people’s idea of student and teacher. He rejected the teacher –student dichotomy and encouraged the role of participants in the classroom as the student teacher (a student who teaches) and teacher student (a teacher who learns). Freire (2002) kind of classroom was at times criticized because it can disguise the authority of the teacher rather than overcome it. Freirian education philosophy has been extremely important in academic debates over participatory development and overall development. Dewey (1916) argued that the basic ineluctable birth and death facts of every member of a social group make education a necessity because in spite of this genetic inescapability, the community has to continue. The immense societal significance of education is highlighted by the fact that when people are taken aback by a predicament, it is regularly viewed as a sign of fail and teachers and the system of education become scapegoats. On the other McLaren argued that education should bring about social and self empowerment. He criticized the conventional American tradition in which schools try to establish and develop an egalitarian and democratic society, with the conventional humanities curricula informing learners about the ethical standards and human values. McLaren saw modern schools as doing precious little to encourage the Western humanist traditionist. Schools produce economic and social which has to be weighed against a real record of serving the affluent interests. This condition by McLaren has been in latest conservative developments where the curriculum and aims are geared to the worldwide economic

Health Care Policies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Health Care Policies - Assignment Example Domestic violence act protects one against one from abuse. Domestic violence is behaviors that one has with the aim of achieving control of other partners. Domestic violence in a society can include several activities that require one to be protected from. Abuse can include physical attacks which can come through sexual relationships that are forced, harassment and verbal abuse with demeaning comments, threats, creating a disturbance at one's territory, spying on one and child abuse. When these activities occur in a place, there are actions and policies that can be used to take action for those that perfume the acts. Domestic violence can be controlled in different ways in different types of courts. In criminal courts, the state is able to arraign the abuser (Greer, 2009). Possible crimes that can be handled in these situations include murder, rape, kidnapping, assault and elder abuse. In civil courts, one is able to address the issues that occur due to harassment and money damages. In the court, one can be held responsible for personal injury and sexual harassment. Divorce and family courts are also used to protect from domestic violence. Court Order of Protection is a policy that has been put protects again domestic violence. The policy makes the special need of one that has been abused to be addressed. The policy is able to order the abuser to stay away from the one abused and prevent contact through phone email or mail (Greer, 2009). For the policy to be applied there must be proof that there was the intention of violence. These are legal rights that govern reproduction. Reproduction rights include the right to birth control, right to safe and legal abortion, freedom of contraception and sterilization and also the right to access reproductive health care of good quality. Reproductive rights also give one the opportunity to access education on matters that concern sex and the infections that occur.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Improving UNBSJ services and facilities Statistics Project

Improving UNBSJ services and facilities - Statistics Project Example In the third place is the University of Waterloo which is ranked the ninth among the other Canadian Universities. The University of New Brunswick is the last among the four ranked position and the twenty fifth among the other universities. The Universities offer varied and wide range of courses. They have difference in population according to the number of courses and expansion in different regions. The Universities with large populations have many constituent colleges and campuses with respect to the high number of courses (, 2012). The University of Toronto was founded in 1827 by the royal charter. The university is recognized as one of the universities that provide the strongest teaching and research faculties in North America. It ranks first in Canada while being sixteenth worldwide. The University has more than seventy thousand student across three campuses: St. George, Mississauga and Scarborough. The University has existed for a long time and is among the few that have produced over four hundred and fifty million alumni all over the world (, 2012). The university has a large number of international students as compared to the others. The University is committed to upholding recognition as an internationally significant research university with undergraduate, graduate and professional programs of excellent quality. They are known for influential in activities such as the literary criticism, curricula and communication theory. The influential and collectively recognized is the Toronto school. The University offers a wide range of courses from undergraduate, graduate to postdoctoral programs. Most of the programs are delivered at the St. George Campus. The programs offered in the university are grouped in eight different categories: Computer science, Engineering, Humanities and Social Sciences, Kinesiology and Physical Education, Life Sciences, Music, Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Rotman

Calvin Klein in the UK Womens fragrances market Essay

Calvin Klein in the UK Womens fragrances market - Essay Example Calvin Klein is a quite visible brand in the UK women’s fragrances market. Though the market niche Calvin Klein works in is quite competitive, the company manages to remain successful and profitable. The reasons of such success may lie behind successful branding and marketing strategies of Calvin Klein. However, that might not be the case. So, in order to determine what role branding plays in Calvin Klein’s achieving success the given paper will analyze the major principles of branding applying them to Calvin Klein. The UK market of women’s fragrances, as well the influence of own brands on Calvin Klein will be analyzed for this purpose too.A brand is what can make a business more successful. The major goal of branding is to deliver the essence of a business to customers, to make them associate something with the product that stands behind the brand. In addition, effective branding creates increased product awareness, so that potential buyers of a product know ex actly what the benefits of the product are. Such brand attributes as a logo or a slogan, among others, gets associated with the product itself. Similarly, a branding strategy may involve people’s associating certain emotions, thoughts, states, images or experiences with the brand and the product. The goals of branding include delivering the message about the product, as well as values that stand behind it, to the customers, building consumer loyalty toward the product, motivating potential consumers for buying the product, highlighting the advantages of the product, and even creating an emotional connection between people and the product. That is exactly what’s taking place in the UK market of women’s fragrances. Since it is a rather competitive market, the importance of branding cannot be underestimated. The competition is fierce, so companies must be doing their best for maintaining their visibility and success in the market. The average annual growth rate of the UK women’s fragrances market was 5% in 2007, and 62% of the market are occupied by five large companies, according to UK Market Intelligence Report (2007). So, though Calvin Klein is known worldwide, the competition in the UK is great. Women’s fragrances of such famous brands as Christian Dior, Gucci, Ralph Lauren, Emporio Armani, Chanel, and Tommy Hilfiger are being sold along with Calvin Klein perfumes. Furthermore, in addition to competing with globally known labels, Calvin Klein has to compete with own label brands. European Cosmetic Markets (2005) reports that, though famous brands are preferred by UK women and make 92% of the proposition, the share of private label perfumes is growing. In 2005, for instance, it made 8% and experienced a 8.2% growth. Though in many markets own brands are represented by cheap alternatives to well established brands, the situation in the women’s fragrance market of the UK is different. According to UK Market Intelligence Report (2007), niche luxury brands that bring clients value, individuality, and a feeling of rarity and authenticity, such as Calvin Klein, are more popular among buyers and are one of the market drivers. Therefore, own labels that compete with such brands are, these days, not simply cheap analogs, but, on the contrary, similarly positioned and well advertised labels. As such, own labels of the women’s fragrance market are nearly as strong as globally known brands. Furthermore, in addition to creating competition, own brands are a threat to Calvin Klein. As reports, sales of own brands are continuously growing in the UK. This may lead to supermarket’s giving preference to their own brands, thus reducing the number of other brands on their shelves. Though it is rather difficult for own labels to compete in the market of luxurious fragrance due to a high number of established labels, own brands might still be a problem for Calvin Klein. Amplifying, according to Kotler et al. (2009) is one of the strategies Calvin Klein uses for marketing its

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Improving UNBSJ services and facilities Statistics Project

Improving UNBSJ services and facilities - Statistics Project Example In the third place is the University of Waterloo which is ranked the ninth among the other Canadian Universities. The University of New Brunswick is the last among the four ranked position and the twenty fifth among the other universities. The Universities offer varied and wide range of courses. They have difference in population according to the number of courses and expansion in different regions. The Universities with large populations have many constituent colleges and campuses with respect to the high number of courses (, 2012). The University of Toronto was founded in 1827 by the royal charter. The university is recognized as one of the universities that provide the strongest teaching and research faculties in North America. It ranks first in Canada while being sixteenth worldwide. The University has more than seventy thousand student across three campuses: St. George, Mississauga and Scarborough. The University has existed for a long time and is among the few that have produced over four hundred and fifty million alumni all over the world (, 2012). The university has a large number of international students as compared to the others. The University is committed to upholding recognition as an internationally significant research university with undergraduate, graduate and professional programs of excellent quality. They are known for influential in activities such as the literary criticism, curricula and communication theory. The influential and collectively recognized is the Toronto school. The University offers a wide range of courses from undergraduate, graduate to postdoctoral programs. Most of the programs are delivered at the St. George Campus. The programs offered in the university are grouped in eight different categories: Computer science, Engineering, Humanities and Social Sciences, Kinesiology and Physical Education, Life Sciences, Music, Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Rotman

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Nucor Corp Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nucor Corp - Essay Example The invisible competition is potential in large companies vertically integrating into steel production. This is the competitor environment in which Nucor Corp. strives to maintain an advantageous market position. Facing three categories of competitive tension, Nucor must formulate goals, objectives and strategies accordingly. Nucor Corp. can mitigate some of the competitive tension by acquiring other steel manufacturing companies. In that case the organizational culture of the company must be ready for the social-demographic tension resulting from unionization in the foreign companies. However acquisitions enable the company to get a technological edge as it integrates the operations of the acquired companies into its own operational framework. This is one of the key success factors of operating in the steel industry since the technology is constantly evolving while Nucor is not investing in R&D. Therefore acquisitions provide an effective means of maintaining the company’s te chnological base at the latest standards. There is economic tension in the form of plummeting prices of steel, scrap metal and iron ore. Increased environmental regulation is also adding to the cost of operations. Political regulations such as tariff withdrawal by the World Trade Organization have increased the competitive tension as the industry has been more exposed to foreign competition. The uncertain economic environment is a favorable factor in terms of enabling Nucor to acquire competitors who do not have the resource capabilities to sustain the economic difficulties. The result of acquisitions is further consolidation of the industry leading to reduced competitive pressure. The weak dollar also makes the company more competitive internationally. The marketplace is highly competitive. The competitive tension is increased by the economic uncertainty having repercussions on pricing, demand and access to capital. The companies operating in this environment can address the reperc ussions by achieving economies of scale. However all companies have similar capacities, thereby enhancing the competitive tension. The tension also results from the three buckets of competitors: immediate, impending and invisible. This competitive environment is the result of a highly fragmented industry. The highly fragmented global steel market place leads to an unattractive industry structure. Porter’s 5 forces analysis shows that the industry has high buyer power and competitive rivalry. The supplier power is medium. The high buyer power results from a commodity market in which the suppliers are price takers. Therefore buyers are able to pit suppliers against each other as they are price takers. Companies operating in the commodity market are unable to differentiate their products. As a result industry rivalry is high. It is also important to consider supplier power since the decreasing availability of scrap metal raises their price. As a result the suppliers are gaining greater bargaining power. Suppliers also present invisible competition since they have the ability to vertically integrate into steel manufacturing. Taking these factors into consideration, Nucor Corp. has to formulate strategies which are customized to an industry which has high buyer power and rivalry and medium supplier power. These are the three most important factors to be taken into consideration in determining the attractiveness of the steel industry environment.

Theories of Human Nature Essay Example for Free

Theories of Human Nature Essay In this paper I will contrast the five theories of human nature, and explain why I believe one to be more superior to the other four. To begin, the five theories of human nature are, rationality, divinity, man-machine, existentialism, and cultural. The first of the five theories is rationality, and simply states that one uses knowledge with the process of thought to draw a conclusion. If a dog’s bowl full of food in the morning, but later in the afternoon it has become empty. One could rationally draw the conclusion that the dog could have eaten all the food out of the bowl. The second is the theory of the five is divinity, and states that humans have all the qualities that the god of the Hebrews has. This would mean that all humans are immortal and infinite. Also this means that humans would be all loving, all knowing, and perfect. Man-machine is the third, and states that everything works like a system much like a robot. This means that one is the way he or she is because he was set up that way. This means that the only reason one acts the way he or she does is because that is the way he or she is â€Å"wired†. The fourth, existentialism, which states that one, must find or create his or her existence outside uniformity. One must get away from all the vices, problems, and routines of life, and must find his or her purpose in life. Finally the fifth, which is the cultural theory of human nature, and it states that there is not only one to define human nature. But, rather a mixture of the first four is the correct answer to the theory of human nature. I believe rationality is superior, and the other four fall short, because reason was used to conjure all other theories. Let’s consider a divine human nature. If we all had a divine human nature we would have no need to debate this, because we would be all knowing, and would know what our nature is. Man-machine falls short simply because it states that there is no rationality; however, it was probably thought up by a man who was searching for a reason why people act the way they do. Next, existentialism, where one must get away from everything and find out for him or her self what his or her purpose is. I really don’t mean to make a joke but this seems like Amish rationality. Then we are left with the cultural theory of human nature. This one just seems like someone wanted to end an argument between the other four. Also it just creates a circle, and does not help us determine which theory of human nature is superior; however the final nail in the coffin is the fact that this theory is trying to find a reason why they saw more than one of these in theories in human nature. I believe that rationality and logic are gifts from God, and are given to us to let us know he exists, and to draw us closer to him. For example take painting, how does one know that the painting had a painter? Because, the painting exists you can see, touch, smell, and even taste it even though you can’t see the painter. Likewise one knows a building had builder because it exists. Also, so that we can know that we have sinned against God by breaking His law. One of the Ten Commandments states: â€Å"you shall not bear false witness† or lie. If one were to tell a lie he would be a liar not only in the sight of God but also by the standard of men, and the bible states in revelation twenty-one eight â€Å"†¦every liar will have his place in the lake of fire†. Because, it also states â€Å"the wages of sin is death†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Romans 6:23a), and this means that we have earned hell for what we have done. Now, rationally who wishes to spend eternity in a lake of fire? But, thankfully it didn’t stop there, because after we find out what we’ve earned we read about what we haven’t: â€Å"†¦but, the free gift of God is eternal life†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . This gift was given to us through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross for the payment of our sins, and all we must do is put our faith in him, and turn away from our sins in repentance. And, rationally who doesn’t want eternal life.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Hierarchy Of Needs Theory And Equity Theory

Hierarchy Of Needs Theory And Equity Theory The topic of individual motivation has played a vital role in the management field. Motivation is seen as an integral factor of the companys performance equation. Every people have their own different motivations to work, because the employees can receive something that they need. That is can be money or the basic wages, but with the society is developing, individuals requirements are not only limited in material, but also ascend to spiritual and psychological territory stages. Some people work for right or love, the others prefer to the personal fulfillment as their goals. According to the definition of Landy, F.J, The psychological meaning of motivation is the initiation, direction, persistence, intensity and termination of behavior (1987).In managerial field, motivation can be regarded as the activities of managers lead to produce anticipant result by encourage or motivated colleagues (Henry, L. T Neal, P. M, 2003).Motivation is the cognitive decision-making process through which goal-directed behavior is initiated, energized, directed, and maintained'(Buchanan Huczynski, 2010). Motivation can be divided into extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation related to tangible rewords like security, promotion, and salary. Intrinsic motivation related to psychological rewards, for example, a sense of challenge and achievement, recognition (Mullin, 2010). There are two motivation theories this essay will mention, one is Maslows hierarchy theory, and another is Adamss equity theory. According to the survey, combine with the reality and evaluate if these two theories are appropriate and practical for the modern enterprise administration. At the same time, indicate the merit that can be reference and the limitation should be improved. It is proposed that the theory of Maslows can be motivated in developing country like China. Finally, some recommendation via integrate the two theories together. Content theories concentrate in the things that can make employees motivated. These theories highlight the elements that can impel or hinder individuals behaviors (Kinge, J, 2012). As a result, content theory aim at distinguish everybodys requirement and satisfy their needs. The needs hierarchy model is the most widely adopted. Abraham H. Maslow suggested that people have a complex set of exceptionally strong needs, that can be arranges in hierarchy (Ambrose, M. L and Kulik, C. T, 1990). Maslow assumed that motivation is separate into five level needs, physiological, safety, love, esteem and self-actualization (Kinge, J, 2012). Before to illustrate the five types of needs, there are a number of basic assumption should be noticed. The first suppose is once a lower need is satisfied, the importance of this need will decline. While, as the lower desired is fulfilled, another higher needs will emerge directly and instead of the prior one (Slocum, J.W and Hellriegel, D, 2007). Secondly, t he needs structure is very complex and influence by the emergency, such as staff reduction plan. Thirdly, higher level needs based on lower level needs are satisfied. At last, the higher the level, the more methods can be choosing to manage (Malslow, A, 1954). Maslows hierarchy of needs is the physical requirement for human, like air, food, shelter. These are the most compulsory and should be meet first. (Slocum, J. W and Hellriegel, D, 2007). According to the research of questionnaire, people focus on the physiological needs before demand a higher need. People claims that if these needs are unsatisfied, it will urge individuals attempts fulfill them (Vecchio, P. R, 2006). Security needs related to safety, stability and job security. Without safety needs, people may deal with overstress. In the absence of work guaranteed, employees who are motivated primarily will defense to accept the managers control. The superiors who notice the necessary of security needs can provide workers strong support. The third higher levels need is love and belonging. In the other words, it can be called affiliation need. When people work in the same environment, people desire for love, making friends. On the basis of the survey, most employees can be satisfied with the two lowest needs in Maslows hierarchy theory, but some of them find that it is different to establishing or get along with colleagues in a warm interpersonal relationship. Above three kinds of needs can be divides to deficiency needs. With the other two levels of Maslows hierarchy needs are classified as growth needs (Vecchio, P. R. 2006). Esteem needs are the requirement to achievement. Esteem need include the feeling of prestige and achievement. For example, a lot of leader may announce commendatory letter or reward result on the companys internal board, it can be easily to foster employees confidence and pride feeling (Slocum, J. W and Hellriegel, D, 2007). Actually, in accordance with the research, in modern society, more and more people are not only restricted to the salary or welfare of the company, but also need to respected and feel glory in a group. The top need of Maslows hierarchy need theory is self- actualization needs. It involve individuals express their potential and realize personal-value. People need to get more opportunities to practice abilities and make the skill unique in their work, The questionnaire show that the elder employees who have a certain extent work experience are much more regard this level as their needs. They can manage themselves well and find a chance to promotion due to the excellent skills. On the contrary, the equity theory is very different from Maslows hierarchy of need. The process theory tries to illustrate the actual process of motivation and the issue to encourage and maintain employees behavior (Kinge, J, 2012). Equity Theory means individuals who are considered excess return or reward will be frustrated by the difficulties in this effort to restore impaired right relationship. It focuses on whether it is equitable resource allocation among people. Social equity is a measure of internal relations, by comparing the proportion of contributions and interests of all. No matter the staffs who receive either under-payment or over payment will bring and experience distress, and this distress will rebuild the relationship between colleagues. When people feel unfair, they will never feel satisfied with their job. In 1963, Adams claims that equity model focus on an individuals feeling of low fairly she is treated in comparison with others (1963). If the relationship between the colleagues and themselves cannot solve well or treated inequitable, it means people will not satisfied with their work. The key components of equity theory are input, outcomes. Input means how much to contributes, outcomes represent that the volume or value can be received from the exchange (Slocum, J. W and Hellriegel, D, 2007). Input present contributions that employees bring to a job situation. For which the employees expect a return from their work. Input includes the personal skills, education background and experience. Outcomes are punishments and rewards that employees receive from a job. The organizations offer things like wages, salaries, payment and fringe benefits. The feeling of equity depends on whether he or she gets adequate feedback for his or her input to the company. The standard to measure the fairness of their exchange is comparing. Although various mathematical formulations have been proposed, employees are thought to feel inequity whenever their ratio of outcomes to inputs does not equal the ratio of outcomes to inputs of their referent other. Equity theory is frequently identifi ed as a vital theory for understanding employee motivation. Based on the Maslows theory and equity theory, according to their characters, the questionnaire aim to find the limitation of these two theories, check whether the two theories follow the real situation. This survey found 5 people from China as the present of developing countries, and the other people who have work experience from developed countries. Compare with the different countries development and organizations specialty to verify if Maslows theory is fit for every situation. Despite of Maslows theory and equity theory are referenced generally in management field. However, some people may argue that Maslows hierarchy needs theory cannot be supported by the evidences. Actually, not all people will climb up to an upper stage when their lower level needs are satisfied. In some cases, people prefer to maintain on the low level needs. On the other hand, the research show that Maslows hierarchy theory is not very fit for Chinese situation. It is widely known that Chinese business have a special processing structure (Carrell and Dittrich, 1978). The first can be observed is for developing country, there is an uncertain future. In addition, Maslow, the American professor came up with the motivation analysis about 65 years ago. Maslows theory has been used influential. The first argument mentioned is that in China, People focus more on relationship and have different perspectives. With the developing of China, the Chinese government attempt to build a correct spir it on employment. It making the individuals to believe work can be voluntary, creativity and higher needs. For instance, Lu (1999) claims that the most of Chinese just regard work as work. They have not been covered by the higher level need. Work make Chinese staff intense. For example, according to Xinhua News Agency report, eighteen Foxcoon employees suicides between January and November in 2010. In short, the employees of Foxconn always to work over time, whereas got the lowest payment, this situation cause high pressure living problem. That means poor management has no motivation to work even live at all. So Maslows theory does not consider the external power to damage his theory. In spite of Maslows theory has some weaknesses to evaluate the modern China society, it ignore the fact that background and cultures are always developing. Chinese employees motivation is changing over time. The manager cannot neglect the prosperity that people aim to achieve. The need of self-actualization is still an final aim of socialism. Another argument about the theory does not consider the background and culture. Gambrel and Cianci argued that Maslows theory is designed for individualism, every level of needs are the personal view and insight (2001). Hofstede (2001) state that different cultures could be differentiated by the discrepancy in what they value. Equity theory point of view there is an objective, but the fairness is a very complex problem, which is due to subjective judgment, because employees either for individual inputs and reward others inputs and reward are decided by virtue of personal feeling, and most people always overestimated themselves, underestimated the investment in others (Kinge, J. 2012). Secondly, it is a fair standard held by individuals, such as some people think should be evenly distributed, and some people think should be classified according to the degree of economic difficulties. Thirdly, it is associated with the assessment of the performance, many companies have advocated to pay compensation in accordance with the performance, and should be balanced between people, but how to judge the performance is a very difficult problem, it was suggested to be judged in accordance with the quantity and quality, so that more objective and clear, but in real life it is difficult to achieve, and sometimes have to ta ke the other method, it is related to the taxation of people, who is going to assess performance, leadership or colleagues will produce different results. As an organization more often than not to be judged by the same person, so bring a different result. Lots of criticism have questioned the simple model and consider the practical of the theory. Because the impartiality of the impact of demographic and psychological variables, some people view and interact with others. In addition, more support basic proposition of equity theory been studied in the laboratory, and in suspicious circumstances applicable to the real world (Huseman, Hatfield and Miles, 1987). Critics also believe that people can be treated fair or unfair depends on inputs and outputs, but also the terms and conditions of the whole system, determine the input and outcome. The business situation, people may feel that their employee compensation is fair, but it may be that the total compensation system unfair (Carrell and Dittrich, 1978). Although equity theory has limitations, but equity theory reveals to us the fact that, for the majority of the employees in the organization, the incentive is not only affected by their own reward, but also by their concern for remuneration, staff hope to see a reasonable return on allocated equity theory and provides a good theoretical framework for better management and organization staff, is also a leader should be noted and learned. In generally, the equity theory mentions the motivation of individual is decided by inputs and outcomes. Actually, almost everyone cannot endure unfair approach. The individuals will compare their outcomes and input perceived ratios with the people who are the same position or environment. In brief, people regards others as a objects of comparison (Scheer.L.K., Kuman, N., and Steenkamp,J,B.2002). Especially in the same department and same position this phenomenon is more significant. For example, Jay Loar, the director of program engineering at Lockheed Martin, he always works harder than others, but still receive the same wage and salary as his colleagues. (Messick, D. Cook, K. 1983). This situation makes him feel unhappy and unfair. On the other hand, the employees who are overpaid will be motivated by the pressure from social. No matter which phenomenon happen, they have changed the balance between inputs and outcomes. It is underspecified (especially in terms of the ways individ uals respond to inequity. Equity theory is based on an equity rule, for instance, those who contribute the most should receive the highest outcomes, rather than other types of rules that might determine resource allocations, such as equality, needs or hierarchy. This theory focuses on distributive justice and failure to consider the importance of procedural justice or interactional justice. Even though equity theory has a lot of criticisms, it continues to be used in research examining job attitudes and employee behavior (Gill, D, and Stone, R, 2010). Work motivation is come from different people and different work need. The motivation always brings driving force to make people work hard. Consequently, work motivation is always gives individuals power and motivation of work. Content theories of motivation relate to specific factors that motivate an individual in the workplace. In order to satisfy their needs goals are established between manager and employees. Maslows hierarchy needs theory is the foundation of peoples desire, analysis the requirement in the work but ignore some details to unite. Inequity causes the bad relationships between colleagues. Even though it looks visible to find an inequity decisions, but in reality, managers notice that equity is a complex problem that because it depends on subjective factor and the personal fair standard. And the equity is relevant to personal performance. As the equity standard, it is difficult to evaluate. Bibliography: Adams, J. S. (1963) Toward an understanding of inequity, Journal of Abnormal and social psychology, pp422-426 Ambrose, M. L Kulik. C. T. (1990) Old friends new faces: Motivation research in the 1990s, Journal of Management, pp231-237. Atkinson, J.W. (1964)Introduction to motivation. Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand. Buchanan, D Huczynski, A. 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Sunday, October 13, 2019

My Grandmother Essay -- English Literature

My Grandmother This poem explores the relationship between the speaker and her grandmother. It focuses on the remorse and guilt she felt - and perhaps does still feel - about the way she behaved towards her on one occasion, and can be seen as an attempt to exorcise this. The poem is divided into four parts: the first stanza describes her grandmother working in the shop; the second the incident which causes her guilt; the third stanza shows her in retirement. In the final stanza, after her grandmother has died, the speaker reflects on herself and her grandmother's life. The first stanza sets the scene - the antique shop reflects the character and life of the grandmother. The words 'it kept her' suggest that it seems, to the speaker, her only reason for living; the grandmother's concern is with surface appearance ('polish was all') not with deep human feelings ('there was no need of love'). Her solitariness is suggested in the fact that it is only 'her own reflection' she sees reflected in the antiques; it is these she lives 'among', not people. The antiques themselves create an oppressive atmosphere - they are 'faded' and 'heavy' in this stanza, and in the final stanza the 'tall/ Sideboards and cupboards' in the 'long, narrow room' take on the air of coffins. Even the sounds of the words the speaker uses contribute - the sibilants in 'the brass/ Salvers and silver bowls' are unwelcoming to the reader, and perhaps betray her disapproving attitude to the shop. But to the grandmother the antiques have great importance. They are 'needed', though never 'used' - they are a substitute for human company, a replacement for love. She takes pride in her possession of them; the speaker's 'wish not to be used/... ...think that the women is treating the girl like she was an antique; "It was perhaps I think a wish not to be used like antique objects ...." In stanza three I think that you can see all the memories actually being revealed to the grandchild; "All her best things in one tong narrow room" It gives us the sense that after she had passed away now the guilt is just kicking in and the old women's life has just began to open. In the very last stanza I think that the very last chapter in the old women's life is beginning to come to an end. Nothing is left in memory of her: "..and no finger marks were there" I think that now her life is over and that her family have been excluded, their lives have had a fundamental change and new dust had just began to settle over the rather cold possessions she seemd to value over her children and grandchildren.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Catcher in The Rye Essay -- essays research papers

Catcher in the Rye   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  J.D Salinger’s novel â€Å"Catcher in the Rye,† focuses mainly on Holden Caulfield because he is the narrator and the novel is about his memory of characters and events throughout the story. These characters are more than just remembrances but actually help the reader to better understand Holden. Mr. Antolini, Phoebe, and Jane Gallagher are all characters that help fully characterize Holden.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mr. Antolini helps the reader better understand Holden’s hasty judgments about characters in the novel. He is one of the few people in the novel who Holden respects and does not consider a â€Å"phony.† Holden respects Mr. Antolini because he understands him and does not treat him like an inferior student like the rest of his teachers do. Mr. Antolini is very open with Holden and this is shown when he lets him stay the night in his apartment. Holden’s quick judgments of people are shown and better understood when Mr. Antolini touches his forehead while he sleeps in chapter 24. â€Å"I know more damn perverts, at schools and all, than anybody you ever met, and they’re always being perverty when I’m around.†(192) Holden jumps to conclusions right away when he wakes up to Mr. Antolini touching his forehead. Instead of thinking that his teacher was just showing affection and care for a student he is very quick to think that he is a pervert and homosexual. In the quote Holden says, â€Å"they’re always being perverty when I’m around,† this is more evidence that Holden jumps to conclusions and is quick with assumptions rather than to think about what it is to be a pervert. He thinks that he is just in the wrong place at the wrong time but it is more likely that he just assumes they are being â€Å"perverty† when they are truly not. Another example of Holden being quick with judgment is directly after the incident happens. Without letting the incident sink in, Holden changes into his clothes and runs out of the apartment. Mr. Antolini and the events that take place in his apartment help the reader fully understand Holden. Mr. Antolini is a compassionate person and his actions are out of care for his friend and student, Holden’s quick and hasty judgment is shown when he overlooks Mr. Antolini’s concern and affection for a homosexual advance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Phoebe is another character that helps the reader bet... ...y voice was shaking something awful.† Holden’s helplessness to realize that sex can be casual is showing that he is immature and that he doesn’t want to let go of his childhood innocence. Jane’s character, a girl who Holden knows very well and has affection for, has casual sex which makes Holden very upset, this helps the reader better understand Holden’s immatureness and his refusal to let go of his childhood innocence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the novel â€Å"Catcher in the Rye† the reader is able to better understand Holden by the characters in his remembrances. Mr. Antolini, a person who shows affection for Holden, shows the reader that Holden makes quick assumptions and judgments with characters in the novel. Phoebe, Holden’s younger sister, makes it evident to the reader that Holden does not want to grow up, mature, and have a future as an adult. Jane Gallagher’s character also helps the reader better understand Holden by making it evident that he does not want to let go of his childhood innocence. Although Holden’s character is the main focus of the novel, his remembrances of other key characters help define him and give the reader a better understanding of who he is.

Deputy Manager Essay

The learner will: 1. Understand diversity, equality and inclusion in own area of responsibility Assessment criteria The learner can: 1.1 Explain models of practice that underpin equality, diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility 1.2 Analyse the potential effects of barriers to equality and inclusion in own area of responsibility 1.3 Analyse the impact of legislation and policy initiatives on the promotion of equality, diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility Learning outcome The learner will: 2. Be able to champion diversity, equality and inclusion Assessment criteria The learner can: 2.1 Promote equality, diversity and inclusion in policy and practice 2.2 Challenge discrimination and exclusion in policy and practice 2.3 Provide others with information about: the effects of discrimination the impact of inclusion the value of diversity City & Guilds Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for health and social care and children and young people’s services (England) (3978-51/52/53/54/55/56) 2.4Â  Support others to challenge discrimination and exclusion Learning outcome The learner will: 3. Understand how to develop systems and processes that promote diversity, equality and inclusion Assessment criteria The learner can: 3.1 Analyse how systems and processes can promote equality and inclusion or reinforce discrimination and exclusion 3.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of systems and processes in promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility 3.3 Propose improvements to address gaps or shortfalls in systems and processes Learning outcome The learner will: 4. Be able to manage the risks presented when balancing individual rights and professional duty of care Assessment criteria The learner can: 4.1 Describe ethical dilemmas that may arise in own area of responsibility when balancing individual rights and duty of care 4.2 Explain the principle of informed choice 4.3 Explain how issues of individual capacity may affect informed choice 4.4 Propose a strategy to manage risks when balancing individual rights and duty of care in own area of responsibility City & Guilds Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for health and social care and children and young people’s services (England) (3978-51/52/53/54/55/56)

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Valuable Traditional Events on New Year’s Day

A racial group or an ethnic group is defined by its culture and religion. This is because the collective actions of people who belong to the same group are guided by that group’s cultural values and religious beliefs. The global community consists of several racial and ethnic groups with different sets of cultural values and religious beliefs. The differences in these beliefs explain why people all over the world do not dress alike (Muslim women are prohibited from wearing skimpy clothes which are popular among western women); do not eat the same food (unlike Christians, Muslims do not eat pork); and do not treat one another in the same manner (western women are allowed more freedom than Muslim women). Sometimes these differences are minor and easily ignored, thereby facilitating relationships across cultures. At other times, however, such differences become very antagonistic and irreconcilable as to develop into major irritants and even cause wars. Since people from different cultures believe and behave differently, traditions also vary across cultures. Traditions consist of the customs and practices which people consider important enough to hand down from generation to generation in order to preserve their core cultural values and beliefs. Every culture has several important traditions. In Korea, for example, one of the most important traditions is the manner of celebrating the biggest event of every year: New Year’s Day. Seol-Nal in the Korean language, the celebration starts with all Koreans, children and adults alike, greeting one another with the usual â€Å"Happy New Year† greeting. Actually, the actual Korean greeting, when literally translated into English, means: â€Å"I wish you have a great year and good luck this year. † Koreans greet one another while bowing their heads. Children, particularly, are enjoying this bowing and greeting tradition. While the tradition is for elder people to give their advice to their family members who bow to them, when children do the bowing, tradition dictates that the elders should give them â€Å"lucky money. † This tradition dates back as early as four hundred years ago. Children, therefore, could get â€Å"lucky money† from their parents, their aunts and uncles, and their grandparents. Koreans consider this a very important tradition because it shows their elders’ desire for the success of the members of their families. Therefore, this â€Å"lucky money† is a means of helping them start their new year in a prosperous manner. For the children, â€Å"lucky money† means new clothes, backpacks, pens and pencils because they want to return to school with brand new clothes and school supplies. Because of the importance of the New Year’s Day celebration, Koreans, wherever they are, make it a point to do their utmost in order to go back home to celebrate this event together with their families since most of them are now living elsewhere because of their jobs. Korean families of two hundred years ago usually lived in one big house where they could always have time to talk about their affairs and their problems. Nowadays, the New Year’s Day celebration is the only occasion during which they could be together again and talk just like old times. The celebration actually starts on the eve of the New Year called Sut dal kum mum in the Korean language. To prepare for the New Year, Koreans clean their houses thoroughly. After the house-cleaning, they light halogens of different colors. Then they take hot water bath and light sticks made of bamboo because they believe that doing so would drive the evil spirits away. Koreans do not sleep during New Year’s Eve. The belief is that when one goes to sleep, his or her eyebrows â€Å"would turn white. † Then the coming of the New Year is welcomed by switching on all the lights in the whole house and keeping their eyes wide open (Society for the Confluence of Festivities in India). Then they take their bath early the following morning, New Year’s Day, and dress themselves up in new clothes. Afterwards, the bowing and giving of â€Å"lucky money† begins immediately. Meanwhile, the day is spent by Korean women in cooking delicious meals. Almost all Koreans cook the traditional rice-cake soup called â€Å"Deok-Guk† on New Year’s Day. According to them, this stands for purity because its color is white. The Korean saying is that if â€Å"Deok-Guk† is served on New Year’s Day, those who eat will have a longer life because the rice cake used in making the soup are long. Korean children love â€Å"Deok-Guk† because they believe that they will grow faster and taller when they eat it during this day. Aside from â€Å"Deok-Guk,† Koreans also cook many healthy recipes which contain plenty of meat and vegetables (SCFI). Koreans, in keeping with tradition, also celebrate the day by drinking a special kind of liquor which, according to them, improves their hearing power. In other words, when they drink this liquor on New Year’s Day, they are convinced that their sense of hearing will be in excellent condition throughout the year. Their ancestors are also part of the celebration. In a ritual which they call Chesa, the ancestors are being energized so that they could bless their descendants. This ritual is being conducted in a clean room where there is an altar with foods on it according to a specified arrangement. First, the meat is placed on the left side of the altar and the rice drink is on the right side of the altar. Then all items colored white should be on the western side and the red-colored foods on the eastern side. In addition, if any food contains heads and tails, the head should be situated on the east while the tail should be positioned facing west. Finally, using a special paper which Koreans call Chi Bang, the name of the male ancestors are then written clearly on the left side while the female ancestors’ name are written on the right, arranged in the order of their ages. For instance, the names of the great grandparents come first, followed by the names of the grandparents, then the names of the parents if they are already dead. This particular ritual, according to Koreans, is being observed in order to obtain the blessings of their descendants (SCFI). Koreans also believe that their ancestors are living in the sky and are always ready to protect them. Because of this belief, one of their traditions is a memorial service conducted for their ancestors. First, they prepare different kinds of food and then place them, together with the framed photographs of their ancestors, on a big table. Then every member of the family should bow in front of the photographs of their ancestors two times at the same time wishing for the protection of the whole family. After everybody is done with the bowing, the elders offer alcoholic drink to their ancestors. Then everybody is allowed to spend a quiet time in the room so that they can talk with their ancestors. Afterwards, everybody leaves the room and silence is maintained in the whole house to enable the ancestors to come down from the sky and eat the food prepared for them. Most Koreans observe this custom which is believed to be one thousand years old already. After the rituals have been observed, the family members, especially the children, find time to play. Most of the games being played are outdoor games because they are considered good for the health, especially for children. Some of the more popular outdoor games for New Year’s Day are tops-spinning, kite flying, and the Korean game called Jae gi cha gi which is like the game where hacky sacks are kicked. Another traditional game which is very popular among Koreans because it could be played almost anywhere is called Yut-nol-ee. This game is usually played during the New Year’s Day and everyday until the fifteenth day of January. Children are very fond of this game because it involves stick-throwing (SCFI). People from different cultural backgrounds observe their traditional events every year not only to commemorate significant occasions but more importantly, to be able to hand down tradition from generation to generation for the purpose of preserving their core cultural values. This is the most effective method of keeping their cultures alive. Koreans subscribe to this school of thought. This is why efforts are being exerted to require the current generation and the generations to come to keep Korean traditions alive no matter what. It is all right for Koreans if people from different cultural backgrounds celebrate the New Year differently and sometimes even on different dates. What is important is for people across cultures to respect each others’ traditions and preserve the cultures of the world.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

BSN & MSN Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

BSN & MSN Program - Essay Example Moreover, the curricula designed for the bachelors degree programs in nursing are quite different from the curricula designed for the masters programs in the same field even though they may be offered in the same institution. This paper analyzes and compares the nursing degree curricula that are used for undergraduate programs as well as for the masters programs in nursing within a university college. Moreover, the paper will evaluate the curricula programs and education outcomes postulated by these designed curricula with an aim of establishing how the undergraduate programs and the postgraduate masters programs in nursing profession build on each other. II. Difference in Outcome and Content The BSN as well as MSN programs have competitive provisions that are all geared towards the production of holistic and competitive nursing professionals. There is little notable difference though between the curricula content and the outcome as shown by the nursing regulatory and management bodi es. The visionary track of a nursing education follows through the levels of a generalist, an advanced generalist that is later followed by specialization programs. The generalist nursing education is what is offered at an undergraduate level while the advanced generalists refers to what is offered at the masters level programs. ... include ‘scholarship for evidence based practice’ ‘liberal education for baccalaureate generalist nursing practice’, and‘basic organizational and systems leadership for quality care and patient safety’ (Anon, 2008). ‘Information management and application of patient care technology, healthcare policy, finance, and regulatory environments’, ‘inter professional communication and collaboration for improving patient health outcomes’ and ‘clinical prevention and population health’(Anon, 2008). Moreover, ‘professionalism and professional values and baccalaureate generalist nursing practice’ (Anon, 2008) form part of these essentials. The major notable difference between these essentials for the undergraduate programs in the contents and the outcomes expected from the courses offered. On the other hand, the masters programs in nursing education equally run on stipulated essentials, which define the el ements of the adopted curricula not based of such factors as intended practice settings, focus or major. Masters programs differ in regard to the undergraduates in that they employ programs which are different in content in order to have variations in outcomes. The outcomes for masters programs are professionals who besides practicing can address available gaps in the field. The masters essentials are ‘background for practice from sciences and humanities’, ‘organizational and systems leadership’, ‘quality improvement and safety’ and ‘translating and integrating scholarship into practice’(Anon, 2011). Moreover, ‘informatics and healthcare technologies’, ‘health policy and advocacy’, ‘inter professional collaboration for improving patient and population health outcomes’, ‘clinical prevention and population health for

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Gotta Go Right Now Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Gotta Go Right Now - Essay Example According to Patrick (2004), the average capacity of the human bladder is 600mls. However, the urge to urinate becomes apparent when the bladder holds water urine above 250mls. Intake of a lot of water increases the amount of the urine contained in the bladder and as a result, the urge to urinate increases. This leads to the frequent urination. This problem can be curbed by use of replacement approach. According to this approach, an extremely active person or someone living in a hot climate region will naturally need a lot of water. This is because he loses a lot of water through sweat. This approach involves drinking a lot of water that equals to the lost one. Therefore, to increase the water intake without having to increase urinating frequency calls for being active to ensure water is lost through the bowel movements, breathing and sweating. This, when combined with the water needed for metabolism, then, one can reduce the water lost through urinating. On the other hand, frequent urinating can also be managed by spacing out the water drinking

Monday, October 7, 2019

The Great Depression in Canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Great Depression in Canada - Essay Example One of the examples of a depression is often regarded to be the great depression witnessed by Canada. The period of depression was recorded to instigate during the summer of 1929 and extended till the spring of 1933. For the Canadian citizens, the depression period of the 1930s is still considered to be the most devastating decade of the century2. The major cause for this was the crash in the stock market, which is often considered to be the consequence of the wheat crop crash in Canada. With due consideration to the notion of a depression and its emergence in the Canadian economy, the main objective of this paper will be to understand the major causes of the economic turmoil and also to describe the aftermath of the depression. A brief description of the total scenario of Canada in the historical context of the great depression will be presented in this paper. Historical Background The great depression of Canada existed during the 1930s as an era of economic poverty. The reasons for this depression in Canada can be related with various economic factors such as economic dependency, poverty, and unemployment among others. The period of depression initially was recorded in the year 1929, when United States discontinued purchasing goods from the Canadian market. This resulted in lockouts in many of the Canadian industries and thus contributed to the financial crisis. A huge number of Canadians became jobless and homeless lacking the basic amenities required to lead a healthy life. Even after getting a job, the Canadians were often paid at extremely low rates, which were not enough to fulfill their basic needs. The remaining unemployed Canadians used to move across the country in search of jobs and thus increased the liabilities of the government through inbound migration trends3. In Canada, the financial crisis was first observed in 1928 after the wheat crop crash had emerged resulting in the crash of the Wall Street Stock Market that later took the form of the gr eat depression. One of the major causes of the depression in Canada was the over-production and over-expansion in the industrial sectors. During the 1920s, almost every industry in Canada was expanding and many new industries came into existence. As a result of this, the factory owners generally used to pile up huge stocks of goods. Consequently, after the crash of the stock market, these owners panicked and in order to slow down the production they laid off a huge number of workers. This resulted in a huge unemployment problem within the economy, which fuelled up a financial crisis in Canada. Therefore, the sale also went down causing an economic misbalance4. Furthermore, the Canadian economy remained entirely dependent upon a few primary products such as wheat, minerals and fish. Accordingly, the economy could not bear the loss from financial crisis as the demand for these goods went down after the unemployment problem. The economy of Canada was also related closely with the econo my of the United States. Hence, with the emergence of a crisis within the American economy, the economic conditions of Canada also deterioted by a considerable extent. All through the 1920s, credit purchase became more and more favored in Canada. The added interest payments with the principle amount made many families go under huge debts4. Another very popular trend in the Canadian market at

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Causes of deviant behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Causes of deviant behavior - Essay Example For example, if a person enters their church scantly clad, they are being deviant because they are going against the norm. Their attire might be right to them, and it might be right for hanging out with friends, but it is not right in the eyes of those in the church. The people in a person’s life can offer the same influence. Peer pressure can cause a person to become deviant as they try to fit in with a certain group of people. They may also take on the beliefs and characteristics of friends or family members simply by being subjected to them for so long. A street gang is an example of how people can influence someone else to act out deviantly; in this case, the individual would conform against social norms out of fear of being punished by the other gang members. Despite the cause of deviant behavior, it is believed that people become deviant because they â€Å"have goals and needs that are not being met by society (Adler, 2008).† Therefore, when they are influenced by environments or people that go against social norms, they adapt the behavior for themselves since abiding by social norms was not doing them any good.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Impact Of Gender Bias On The Court Sentence Research Paper

The Impact Of Gender Bias On The Court Sentence - Research Paper Example Court systems all over the world face relative similar accusations of being biased against one side, while passing judgments in the judicial systems. Gender bias is not something new, although it is a fact that most of the judicial executives and staff would try to avoid being identified as associated with. Whether it is in the line of duty in the judicial system or inside the court executions, it is possible to realize strain of an issue being concerned and expended towards one group and not the other, for some reasons without enough weight to lead to the order given. Sometimes people wonder why some decisions are made so quickly, despite the matter being radical, yet there are other crucial aspects to consider. Is it ignorance on the part of the judicial conduct committee, the Judges, lawyers, inability of the offender or the offender to follow up their cases, or intervention by other interested third parties? These are some of the questions that concerned parties keep asking thems elves at an occurrence of an unexpected outcome in court hearings. Court systems are there to listen to the cases brought forward, consider evidence and reasons of an action taken, then evaluate to provide a fair principle of directives to the concerned parties after consultation. Honestly, most cases have been handled with integrity, but there are few of those that have been appealed due to the dissatisfaction of clients, soon after their final court hearing. Why do many individuals especially in cases related to domestic affairs rush back for a petition? Different nations may have different ways in how they conduct their legal affairs, and so do the justice functions and methods tend to differ.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Website copywriting Essay Example for Free

Website copywriting Essay Welcome!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Makati Educational Institute offers various programs that will prepare soon-to-be teachers to efficiently impart critical information to our future generation. We   prepare a person enrolled in our institute by developing his or her full potential. We employ a very modern, multi-dimensional and hands-on approach to education. We also ensure that our tranining and educational policies are at the forefront of the industry.   Moreover, we utilize the latest technology in our classrooms, departments and other facilities on campus.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In addition, we manage our students on a one on one basis. We make sure that our teacher to student ratio in our classrooms is kept at a bare minimum, about twenty students per teacher, so teachers can actively attend to each of their students needs and critically monitor each individuals progress.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Our programs and various teaching methods provide students with a competitive advantage by setting them apart from the rest of the pack. We ensure a professional and dynamic atmosphere along with the latest information and technology in whatever field our students are pursuing. We also guarantee that our faculty members and staff will only bring out the best in our students. They are also dedicated in honing students abilities to their fullest. That is why our institution can proudly say that we only deliver the best and most qualified teachers of the future.             History of the institute   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Established in 2005, the founders of the institute wanted to provide an accelerated program for working professionals or to those who want to get a degree in a matter of one to two years.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Our goal is to properly educate teachers that will be truly competent in their designated task   of effectively passing on knowledge to our future generation. Our institute is dedicated in making this possible by providing quality education and training to our students.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Our faculty started with a group of educators who have been working in the academic field for decades. They decided to start their own institute after having been employed in numerous public and private schools. They figured that it is time they actively contribute to the educational system and what better way to do this than to educate and train future teachers.   In a year, the institute has employed 40 full-time teachers as well as 20 part-time teachers. Each year, the faculty and number of students just keps on growing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Our institutes meager beginnings started with just two dozen students walking the hallways of the two departments that occupy one building of our newly, furnished campus. After a year, enrollment in our institute has quadrupled.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Our graduates in the last three years consisted of over two hundred students. They were employed at least three months upon graduation. This is because our institute offers educators the necessary skills and training to effectively do their job. We have a training program wherein our students are authorized to teach and provide support in various public and private schools nationwide. We also partnered with several schools in order to conduct a job fair that we hold in our institute at least twice a year. We also provide job assistance to fresh graduates of our institute. Faculty   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Our faculty consists of 150 qualified educators, working either on a full or part-time basis. They are all masteral and doctorate degree holders and experienced professionals in 16 different specialities. They operate and handle 6 departments in our institute namely Mathematics; Natural Sciences, Social Sciences; Foreign Languages which include Spanish, French, and German; Preschool Pedagogy and Pyschology; and Elementary Education. Each department has their own buidling.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   We also have a library, which holds about 350,000 academic journals and books. In addition, we are electronically subscribed to various online academic journals and magazines. We also have three modern computer laboratories to ensure that students have all the resources that they need to succeed in any of their chosen field of study. While our science laboratories contain advanced equipments to assist our students in furthering their knowledge regarding the subject matter.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Furthermore, we also offer free tutorial sessions to our students after class. Out of the 150 teachers on campus, 50 of them voluntarily tutor students on a regular basis. Most of these teachers have doctorate degrees in a wide-array of courses available in our institute.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moreover, our after-school tutoring program is headed by five of our most dedicated and talented instructors. All of them have doctorate degrees in their chosen field of studies. Also, they all have impeccable records due to their accredited performance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of our tutors and full-time staff member is Lisa Gonzales. She heads the foreign language department. Her specialty is in Spanish and French. She graduated as magna cum laude of her class. Lisa strongly believes that learning a foreign language is essential in our ever-growing society that is becoming more globalized over the years. With more Filipinos being employed overseas, it is crucial that students learn and become fluent in at least one foreign language to have an advantage over other job applicants.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the other hand, Tesa Santos who heads our Math department, stresses the importance of developing better math skills. This is because Filipinos are lagging behind when it comes to this subject area. Thus, she simplifies concepts in order for her students to understand the general idea. She realizes that students need to constantly practice math skills that they have learned. Therefore, she usually engages them in numerous assignments and projects that are based on real life scenarios so that students can see the relevance of what they are learning. Her teaching strategies has proven to be effective because most of her students are currently employed at Mapua and Don Bosco schools.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Finally, Mariel Garcia heads our elementary education department. Mariel firmly believes that the most important stage in the development and learning of children lies in their early years of education. This is because the desire to learn is at its peak. Therefore, educators should know how to handle young children effectively in order to bring out the best in them. Thus, her teaching method employs a more personal approach to learning.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   These are just some of our exceptional instructors. Students who have been taught by any one of these teachers know all too well that these teachers demonstrate a strong passion for what they do and skillfully challenge their students. As teachers, they exceed their students expectation. These teachers, along with the rest of our faculty, are all determined to make a difference in each of our students life. We are truly and genuinely interested in their future well-being and success. Thus, students at our institute becomes our main priority. This is because we are aware that without them, our institution will not exist.